Step by Step

Our Processes

Production & Quality Control
1. Production & Quality Control

At Thunguri coffee, the production of high-quality coffee is controlled through our elaborate, eco-friendly coffee cultivation program. Specialty coffee processing starts at harvesting, with cherries being individually picked by hand, ensuring only red ripe cherries are harvested. This is a tedious process with farmers rotating among the trees every 8 to 10 days, choosing only those cherries that are at the peak of their ripeness.

Thunguri coffee quality control begins at the farm during pre-harvest. The coffee is pruned and fertilized and agronomy services are provided for best practices in crop management.

2. Aggregation

After a day's harvest has been collected, the farmer delivers the cherry to a wet mill for processing. At the wet mill, the cherries are again separated based on color and degree of ripeness. The uniformity of ripeness greatly reduces the amount of damaged beans. The coffee cherries are now aggregated from the different farms ready to be wet-processed.

3. Processing
Unique to the washed process, Thunguri coffee is first de-pulped and then fermented in water before entering the drying phase. Our de-pulped coffee is then placed in a fermentation tank for 18-24 hours where naturally occurring yeasts and bacteria begin to consume the mucilage layer on the exterior of the seed to the desired degree. Unlike any of the other processes, in the washed process the flesh on the coffee seed is completely removed before drying which greatly reduces the risk of defects and results in the final product having very different, more predictable flavor profiles than natural processed coffees.
At Thunguri coffee, we do true natural processed coffee. Once picked, unripe, green cherries are removed by hand. Ripe coffee cherries are then moved to patios for drying with the fruit still intact. Unlike the washed process, the cascara, full mucilage and skin remain intact and dry all together. The fruit normally dries on patios for over a week, and the coffee cherries are mixed manually by paddles to promote even drying. We give a great deal of care and expertise to prevent rotting or over-fermentation. Once the coffee is dried to a specific moisture content (10-12%) it goes to a mill to be hulled and ready for mechanical sorting.

Thunguri natural coffee is often appreciated world over, for having an amazing fruit profile with far more complexity than a washed coffee.
We do adequate volumes of Thunguri - Honey, with the percentage of “honey” or fruit mucilage referenced in the final product description - 30% honey for example. Like our pure natural coffee, a high percentage of the flesh on the beans during the drying process is retained.
4. Milling

After the parchment coffee has dried to the desired moisture content, it is dry milled into green coffee. Dry milling involves hulling (the removal of the husk), polishing (removal of silver skin), and removal of impurities such as rocks, sticks, and other miscellaneous debris. The clean coffee is then sorted based on density and size. This is what is called AA/AB/PB, which are bean sizes.

Take a Tour!

Visit our Coffee Plant

We offer coffee tours, where one learns all about Specialty coffee production and processing with this farm-to-cup experience. After learning about every step of the production, processing (pulping, drying, milling and grading) one gets the chance to sample some freshly brewed Thunguri Specialty coffee. Whether you're a coffee enthusiast or a curious beginner, our coffee tour promises an enriching experience for all. As part of the package, we also offer bird watching, cycling and nature walks.

Take a Tour Today!


Years of Experience


Coffee Farmers


Hectares of Land


Kg/Hr Pulping Capacity